Best Quotes about Life

Quotes about life can give a quick and inspirational nudge to your thoughts! They can stimulate your mind, spark ideas, give your thoughts focus or simply urge you on when you are feeling lethargic. Your favourite framed Penman’s Den quote pinned somewhere you can read regularly can definitely boost morale and flagging spirits.  


Quotes are powerful because they are short and sharp. They convey their message in just a few words and can be inspirational and thought-provoking. Some quotes are humorous and these ones can definitely help keep life in perspective as they can turn a negative experience into a positive learning opportunity! Quotes can help you to believe in yourself and can also help shape how you feel about others.


Giving a family member of friend a beautifully framed quote is giving a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. Your gift can be to mark a birthday, promotion or other special event, or it can be for no reason at all - just because…..


● Inspirational quotes

Today is the first of all our tomorrows…

There are many beautifully presented quotes in the inspirational section of The Penman’s Den. Some are printed and others written in calligraphy and all are handsomely framed. There are well known quotations from William Blake and Theodore Roosevelt and popular ones like ‘What if I fall, what if you fly’ by Erin Hanson. 


There are quotes from Roald Dahl and Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter and the powerful quote that begins- ‘For there is always light’- written by youngest inaugural American poet in American history. This quote was used by President Joe Biden in his inauguration speech in January 2021.  Any of the inspirational quotes in the Penman’s Den collection makes the perfect gift that will be hung with pride in a home or work office, hallway or anywhere it can be enjoyed every day.  

● Fun Quotes 

Some times life can prove challenging and at times almost overwhelming with so many different ‘ balls to juggle in the air’. Having your favourite fun quote to read in quiet moments can be comforting and confidence building as it helps to reduce tensions and will definitely make you laugh! For example, it is hard to not to smile reading this quote - 

 Just in case no one told you today
Good morning
You're awesome
I believe in you
Nice butt. 

and the Lily Bollinger Champagne Quote is definitely one to consider - 


“I drink Champagne when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise, I never touch it―unless I’m thirsty.”

● Love Quotes

There have been so many famous quotes about love since time immemorial and many find them refreshing and thought-provoking to read time and time again. In the collection, there are quotes by the well known poet, William Blake and also the much-loved actress, Audrey Hepburn. The American memoir writer and poet Mary Angelou provides a particularly special quote that is the perfect gift for anyone you love, be it your husband, child or grandchild -

 "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"   


Like all framed quotes from The Penman’s Den, the Mary Angelou framed quote makes a handsome gift as it is available in five sizes and printed on quality, oyster-coloured watercolour paper which is framed in solid oak wood with a leather lace. Such a gift is definitely one to cherish and one to be enjoyed for many years to come. If you are searching for a gift that is original, fun and inspirational – look no further!

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